Meditation posture like ; Vajrasana is used by Muslims and Zen Buddhists as a position for prayer . people who cannot perform padmasana ,or find to uncomfortable , sit in vajraasana for meditation practice.
Some classical asana are very effectively as vajra asana [thunderbolt pose ]
Vajra asana is highly thought of of as a meditation posture in many cultures throughout the world.
Vajra is also the major nadi directly connected with the genito-urinary system ,which regulates the sexual energy in our body. the vajrasana is therefore very beneficial for the reproductive as well as digestive organs and is also reasonably easy to perform.
how to do Vajrasana ; [thunderbolt pose]
knee on the floor with the knees close together. bring the big toes together and separate the heels. lower your buttocks on to the inside surface of the feet with the heels touching the sides of the hips.
Place the hands on the knees, palm down
The back and head should be straight but not tense. close your eyes, relax the arms and the whole body.
Breathe normally and fix the attention on the flow of air passing in and out of the nostrils.5 minutes daily is sufficient to loosen up the legs, If any strain experienced, stop the asana. Practise vajrasana directly after meals, at least 5 minutes enhance the . the digestive function ,sit in vajrasana and practise abdominal breathing for 100 tomes before and after food,
Physical awareness ; on the legs, buttocks this will bring tranquillity to the mind if practised with
the eye closed. comfortable in the asana become aware to the normal breathing process.
Benefits ;Vajransa alters the flow of blood and nervous impulses in the pelvic region and trengts the muscles. It i the preventing hernia and also helps to relieve piles. It reduces the blood flow to the genitals and massages the nerve fibres which feed them ,making it useful in veins and hydrocele in
men .It alleviates menstrual disorders, it increase of intire digestive system Relieve stomach ailment
such as hyperacidity and peptic ulcer also.
Precautions ; Vajrasana is not advisable in osteoarthritis ,or in pregnancy when extra weight can over
load the joints.people should not be performed who suffering from knee or inflammaotry condition
such a; arthritis, osteoarthritis ,etc.
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