Should vitamin D be added to food?
When we first discovered that vitamin D Deficiency was an issue in India
in 1990s ,nobody was willing to take its seriously,' vitamin D helps build and maintain bones. Without it, the body finds it difficult to absorb calcium and phosphorus from food or supplements. And that happens, the bones become brittle and cause joint and muscular pains.
Many studies in recent years have also linked low levels of vitamin D to different diseases. including many cancer ,type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disorders. 'but while its role in bone and muscular mass formation is clearly established, till some year ago , not everybody was willing to accept that people in sunlight - soaked India were actually deficient in the vitamin D.
All India Institute of Medical Sciences [AIIMS] in New Delhi that first studied the problem in India
"Vitamin D has been a long standing big problem among children and poor people. Now even rich people are getting vitamin D deficient because they don't go out in the sun."
Indians have modified vitamin D synthesis in gene because of which they synthesis less vitamin D than Westerners,
Now everybody is convinced that it is a serious public health issues, antttitamin D crisis is constantly throwing up new issues.?
Since nine out of 10 Indians are either deficient in or have in sufficient levels of vitamin D.
"We realised the problem was more complex when a subsequent study .But food that is high in phytates- cancer -fighting elements found in whole grains, legmes, nuts-comes in the way of aborbing minerals such as calcium and phosphorus
High levels of calcium are essential for healthy vitamin D levels, some believe that adding the vitamin to food products is a solution .
But if something is fortified with vitamin D,is it vegetarian or non-vegetarian ?
Only 35% of milk consumption in India happens via the organised sector , leaving the majority without the benefit, wheat can be fortified with vitamin D, but most Indian get their wheat from the unorganised sector.
The problem is too big to be left to individuals to find solution.
Enough studies haven't been done to understand the complexities of bitamin vitamin D to food won't
suffice-most Indians suffer from calcium defiency too
According to expert you can do this by exposing 18 %of the body 's surface area -equaivalent to the face,fore arms and legs combiened-without a sunscree to the midday sun for 30-45 minutes. do this the sunshine hour. So let's go just go and bask in the sun.
Great article