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  Pranayama is generally defined as breath control. The word pranayama is comprised of two roots ; 'prana' The breath is intimately linked to all aspects of human experience.

Pranayama  establishes regular breathing patterns, breaking this negative cycle and reversing the process. Most people breathe incorrectly , using only a small part of their lungs capacity. Practitioner 

develop sensitivity to the respiratory process and retrain the muscles of the pulmonary cavity, enhancing their vital capacity and preparing them for pranayama.  

plus 'ayama.' prana means 'vital energy' or life force . It is the force which  exists in all things, whether

animate or inanimate. Although closely related to the air we breathe, it is more subtle than air or oxygen.

Pranayama utilizes breathing to influence the flow of prana in the nadis  or energy channels of the pranayama kosha or energy body.

The word yama means 'control' and is used to denote various rules or codes of conduct .Ayama is defined as 'extension' or 'expansion'. Thus, the word pranayama means 'extension'or 'expansion' of the the dimension of prana . 

THE techniques of pranayama provide the method where by the life force can be activated and regulated

in order to go beyond  one's normal boundaries or limitation and attain a higher state of vibratory energy 

and awarness.

Important pranayama practices which are utilized. These are;

1  Inhalation  or pooraka

2  Exhalation or rechaka

3 Internal breath retention or Antar kumbhaka.

4  External breath retention or bahir kumbhaka.

these initial practices influence the flow of prana in nadis, purifying, regulating and activating them,

there by inducing physical and mental stability.

    The techniques of pranayama energizing and balancing the different parts of mind and body. 

Pranayama practices should be performed after asanas in an integrated yoga program.     

BENEFITS;  Increase  awareness of and sensitivity to the breath in the nostril, blokages are removed and flow of breath in both nostrils become more balanced. breathing has profound effects  calming and 

balancing the energies.


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