In summer stomach related problem are very high. In this season there are usually stomach related diseases ; as Irritation in the stomach pain, acidity, diarrhea and vomiting , Indigestion, Typhoid etc,in summer season the number of bacteria increases very rapidly. Temperature of 25 c to 40 c are considered to be the best for bacteria thrive, out side food gets contaminated very quickly. Disease arrives when such some healthy tips for upset stomach ;
Eat fruits and sprouts in breakfast, healthy eating as apple and papayas are good for your upset . stomach. Yoghurt is also rich in calcium and good bacteria include curd in your meal.
Avoid excess alcohol, soda, sugary drink, packed juices,
Improve your sleeping routine, early to bed and early to rise, make your self healthy. Dinner before 9 p.m. Drink milk before 1/2 hour go to bed.
Keep fast at least once a day in a week, a healthy routine will greatly benefit your health. Eat protein rich and carbohydrate food in day time, drink real fruit juice and water at least 8 to 10 glass
Do at least 2days a week work out with yoga practice.
Abdominal breathing, abdominal exercises is also helpful in up set stomach, this exercises keep your stomach healthy and burn excess stomach fats.
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