Asana are very beneficial in the mild to moderate varicose veins, many patient have great improvement in their condition with regular practise of these asana.
Sarvangasana ,[shoulder stand pose], sarvangasana should be practiced for 10 minutes,in the morning and in evening and when ever legs feel tired and heavy during the day, remember rest in shavasana after any inverted posture. Sumaruasana , sumaruasana is excellent for varicose vein ,It is often the case that efficiency of the pumping system is improved, practised regularly this asana and signs and the symptoms of the varicose veins disappear.
Tadaasana , tadaasana is good for stretching the calf muscles maximum, It is especially good for stretching the vein enhancing the muscle pump.
Pada hastasana, and paschimottasana when these asana correctly performed , bring a positive pressure to the leg muscles
Pada sanchalanasana[cycling] is especially beneficial for the varicose veins and muscle of the thighs.
Surya namaskar is a dynamic asana series with profound benefits.
Precautions. Avoid standing unnecessarily, if not possible then keep the muscles pump actively ; walking and moving , keep the legs elevated as much as possible, if you work at desk, support the legs horizontally position, comfortable high footrest.
benefits ; Massage of the legs is very effectively relief from the ache of varicose veins, the pregnant woman can relax lying flat on the back , with the feet against the wall to support. Asana are effectively beneficial for varicose vein.
Very relaxed pose