Classification of yoga asanas and sequence
Yoga asanas classified in to three groups # First :beginners group- The beginners group should be performed by those who never practiced yoga asanas before. This group consists of elementary techniques designed to prepare the body mind and meditation asanas. This practices are no way inferior and very useful in improving physical health. In this group are pawanmukt series part 1 sequences, eye exercises, relaxation, pre meditation poses,asanas also included performed from vajrasana, standing asanas,surya Namaskar etc. Second : Intermediate group- This group consists of asanas which are reasonably difficult and are are recommended for people who can perform the beginners group without any difficulty or strain. These asanas require a greater degree of steadiness, concentration and coordination with the breath. Intermediate group are includes asanas performed from padmasana,forward bending, backward bending and spinal twisting, this group performs also inverted and ...